Hablan de mí
Por primera vez en mi historia bloggera tengo
un post dedicado a mi :)
Ha sido mi amiga María en su blog
Ghostparadise quien me ha dedicado el honor en su apartado
En el Backstage con... A ver que os parece.
Que sepas María que me hace mucha ilu ver hablar de mí en otros sitios. Muchas gracias
Salsa Coffee
Anoche tocó un poquito de música latina. Me fui con Barry, un chico de Costa Rica que vive aquí en Suecia y conocí en las clases de salsa. El sitio no era muy grande, pero estaba muy bien. Allí me encontré al profesor de baile y también a Rubens, un dominicano de intercambio.
Lo mejor de todo es que hice algo distinto. No solo por la música sino también por cambiar del ambiente "Erasmus". Allí todo el mundo era sueco (o latino-sueco). Ya era hora de empezar a relacionarse con la gente de aquí, ¿no?
Es gracioso. Siempre he observado los guettos desde fuera, pero nunca había formado parte de ninguno de ellos hasta ahora. Porque así es como me sentí anoche, como si estuviera en una pequeña burbuja que me transportara a un lugar más cerca de casa.
Future techno predictions
Since its appearance, technology has been focused on make our lives easier and more comfortable, however we are getting to a point in which these facilities we are provided are becoming unnecessary or even ridiculous. Nevertheless, whatever adjective which we can say about technology will be totally influenced by our biased and reduced point of view, since to check if a device is useless or practical we cannot give an opinion when it is recently created, but we must observed it trough its life.
According to the techno development, the prospects for lazy people are very good. Technology has just come into our homes. Until now, all the researches seemed to be something really far and exotic for us, something that had nothing to do with our lives. However, nowadays the newest progresses created are thought to be directly applied in a practical way, and
Domotic is the name of this technology field which is starting strengthening: HVAC, lighting, security, intercoms…
In the very next years, I think robots will be the best man’s friend since they will help us in all our daily work. Robotics field is starting growing and the expectations of its progress are still incalculable. It isn’t unrealistic thinking about in a comfortable life in which all (and I mean all) our daily work is done by robots. Why can’t be possible? Imagine having all your free time just to do your personal staff. It would be really great, wouldn’t it?
Article 2. Privacy on Facebook
In the article is shown a pilot study which states that people don’t really care about his personal information appearance on the website. We are human beings and with us, the desire of knowing everything about the neighbour is included. So, from my point of view, that’s the reason why Facebook (and other similar spaces) strongly succeeds and why we don’t completely worry about showing our “pieces of life” on the Internet, since we know we’ll enjoy watching others’. It’s a game of sharing. We must recognize that love gossiping and we can’t avoid since it could be said that is included in our genetic code.
However, if something becomes fashionable doesn’t mean that it’s compulsory to use.
Have you got a Facebook?, everybody asks.
No, I haven’t. And with this answer people think that I’m weird or something worse.
Any problem? Do I have to have it? In reply to this question I always encourage people visiting my wonderful weblog and making me some comments. As I’m very proud of it, I don’t feel the any necessity of having any Facebook.
Article 1. The Long Tail
In the article it is said that odd music has got more strength than hit music. From my point of view, this situation is actually due to the imposition of the commercial music. If a song becomes into a hit, it doesn’t mean most of people liking this song. Well, it is true that it is going to be listened by many of them, although not because they like it but they are going to be surrounded by it all the time. Promotion is essential for a hit succeeding and is the reason why it exists. The question is: do we really like the song we are forced to listen to? Most of the times the answer is `no´. A song is continuously played since its creator is paying for that and not because of people loving it. That’s why The Long Tail succeeds, since it contains the factual preferences of the listeners.
There is an important controversy according to the payment for downloading songs from the net. Why do we have to pay the same money in this case when there isn’t any physical support either any distribution cost? There are many supporters in one side and another; even there are people who are totally against paying anything at all (like me). Nevertheless, what is true is that Music Business profit is rapidly decreasing so, unless it changes as the way to access to the information are doing, it will be a huge for the musical industry.
Visita a Göteborg
Ayer sábado tocó hacer una visita a
Göteborg, la segunda ciudad más importante de Suecia. Nos fuimos Ernesto, Nacho, yo y Henko en su coche, un Polo reciclado de casi 30 años. El Henko es un fiera del motor. En el camino de vuelta, se nos reventó una rueda en la autovía y la cambió el tío en 7 minutos.
Caminando por el centro, Nacho se encontró un compañero de clase de la universidad de México! ¡Qué chiquito es el mundo! ¿eh?
En un principio pensábamos que la ciudad no iba a ser gran cosa porque eso es lo que nos habían dicho, pero todo lo contrario: Göteborg es precioso. Por supuesto que no es la mejor ciudad del mundo, pero sí que es muy bonita. La zona comercial, el casco antiguo, el gigaparque de la ciudad, el parque botánico... Nos faltó día para verlo todo, ya que nos quedamos con las ganas de visitar el archipiélago de la zona. Pero bueno, ya volveremos, que no nos podemos ir sin conocer la noche en Göteborg.
Dutch Party
Yesterday night in Match House, there was the best (and craziest) party ever made here:
The Dutch Party.
At the beginning I thought that it was just an excuse to make another party more, but the Dutch guys took it very seriously. Everybody had to wear something orange, Dutch music was played (with huge subwoofers),
big posters at the front door, beer hats, even an enormous shield was decorating the common room. Many people from Raslatt came to visit us and I continued meeting new people as I'm used to. We really enjoyed the party. It was totally excellent, in all the aspects.
As I said yesterday night:
It isn't Nederland but Wonderland.
Now, we have to think about making The Latin Party, although it will very difficult to achieve this level.
Ahora en español:
Anoche en Match House tuvimos la mejor fiesta (y la más desfasada) que hasta ahora se ha hecho aquí:
La Fiesta Holandesa.
Al principio pensé que sería una escusa más para hacer otra fiesta, peor los chicos de Holanda se lo tomaron bastante en serio: todo el mundo tenía que llevar algo naranja, estaba puesta música holandesa (con unos subuffers gigantes), pusieron unos carteles en la entrada de la casa, gorros cerveceros, hasta
un escudo gigante decorando la habitación. Mucha gente de Raslatt nos visitó y yo seguí conociendo a gente nueva, como siempre, incluso a gente con la que me he cruzado muchas veces pero que nunca me había parado a hablar con ella. Nos lo pasamos superbien. Sin desperdicio. (en todos los aspectos)
Ahora toca pensar en hacer la fiesta latina, aunque los holandeses nos han puesto el listón muy alto.