Una miaja de mi

28 September 2007

The triumph of the Nerds

This film deals with the appearance of computers and its development. It starts narrating how everything begun thanks to a group of people ("the nerds") that were interested in a new knowledge that was emerging in that moment. These people developed the Personal Computer and, consequently, managed to bring near something what, until then, had been complicatedly inaccessible. After that, the next objetive was make the PC useful followed by being utilizable, which was obtained through some friendly software. Finally, it talks about the strong competence between the three kings in the field: Microsoft, IBM and Apple.

It is interesting the way this film, split in three parts, shows you computers´ history. I previously knew something about it since I had seen the film "Pirates of Silicon Valley", which tells the story in a different way. In this case, it is more focused on the competence between companies and the reasons of its existence. From my point of view, the documentary describes the events more objectively than the film does, however, if you want to understand them completely, the film explains better the relations between the main facts in the computers development history.

Second visit

Bueno, chicas, lo prometido es deuda. Aquí os pongo un pequeño adelanto de uno de esos vídeos que tanto me gustan hacer a mí. Digo que es un adelanto porque solo contiene las fotos de Jönköping. A ver si no tardo mucho en poner las demás.

Espero vuestras críticas y comentarios.

27 September 2007

The Blue Cave

This video was recorded in the Norwegian glazier where we were. INFINITELY AMAZING! And as I know you miss doing some exercise, let's do some: bend your necks to the lefts and keep this position for 2 minutes and a half. Actually it's very beneficial and healthy. Well, for those who have got cervical problems or just for the lazy ones, can take your laptop and put it in vertical position.

Ahora en español, para que no os quejéis:
Este video fue grabado en el glaciar de Noruega en el que estuvimos. ¡FLIPANTE! (Sé que la traducción no es literal, lo sé). Y como sé que echáis de menos hacer algo de deporte, vamos a hacer algo: doblad el cuello hacia la izquierda y mantened esta posición durante 2 minutos y medio. Es muy saludable, en serio. Bueno, y para aquellos que tengan problemas cervicales o sean unos perros, cogéis el portátil y lo ponéis en vertical y todo resuelto.

Comunication & Technology course

This week we started this new course, which main contents are powerpoint, blogs and publicer.

In class we had to create a blog to make here our reflections about the course and all related with it and, as I have already one, I´ll use it to do this.

The first task consists on watching the film The Triumph of the Nerds, based on the development on Personal Computers, and write our impressions about it. This is what is going to be about my next posts

25 September 2007

Norway trip

This weekend was the turn of the Norwegian Fjords. The trip has been so nice, great, incredible, unforgettable... There´s no words to describe such experience. Even in Spanish I wouldn´t be able to describe it. The glacier was fantastic, it was like the ones you can see in documentaries. I felt like a National Geographic researcher.

The trip was arranged by the University and I went there with Ernesto and three friendly Greek guys: George, Dimitris and Paris. As you can see in the pictures, we really enjoyed ourselves.

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18 September 2007

Kopenhamn & Malmö

Bien, las siguientes ciudades que hemos visitado han sido estas dos, sábado y domingo respectivamente.

¡Copenhague es preciosa! Con casas antiguas de estilo victoriano, como en las películas de época. En esta ciudad me sentí de verdad vivir en la prehistoria (pensando en Murcia), porque en la capital de Dinamarca no existe el tráfico, apenas se ven coches. Y todo porque el medio de transporte estrella es la bicicleta y con todas sus modalidades: el taxi-bici, el carricoche-bici, el alquiler gratuito de bicis, ... ¡Una pasada! Evidentemente, con unos carriles bicis de película.

Nos pateamos la ciudad entera en un día, desde el Tivoli a la Sirenita, que por cierto, para ser el símbolo del país, nos defraudó bastante ver lo que vimos, pero bueno, que ha merecido la pena ir allí.

En Malmö nos dijeron que no había mucho que ver, pero nosotras lo flipamos con los jardines y parques de allí. Ver tanto verde nos dejó embelesadas.
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My second visit

These days my friends Isa, Iki, Vero and Alma are with me in Sweden :)

They got here last Thursday in the night and they are right now coming back from Stockholm. I spent this weekend with them in Gränna, Kopenhamn and Malmö.

To Gränna we went 9 people: a part from my 4 friends and me, Ernesto, Fernando, Jens and my contacto person Helen came too. In that village are well-known the typical candies and there we took a ferry to go an Ireland called Visingsö wich is very nice as you can see in these pictures.
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07 September 2007

FdM: La Actuación

Ya está.
Ya pasó.
Hicimos la actuación.
¡Qué emoción!
¡Qué nervios!
¡Qué sensación!

La plaza del Romea llena, a rebosar,
todos pendientes del escenario;
y en cada uno de nosotros,
una mezcla de nervios, orgullo e ilusión
por el miedo a no dar la talla
en el Festival del Mediterráneo.

¿Lo conseguimos?
A ello solo pueden responder
los presentes anoche en la plaza;
pero la fuerza de los aplausos
que pude escuchar,
me hacen pensar
que la prueba fue superada.


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